Timeline of Legal Milestones on Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Latin America

Internacional and regional milestones

National milestones




Advisory Opinion No. 29

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

In this AO on the situation of persons deprived of their liberty, the Court establishes a specific section on "The need to adopt special measures to give effect to the rights of pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women or primary caregivers deprived of their freedom", and there it recognizes and defines obstetric violence.

Complete Milestone

Law No. 2,244: which recognizes the rights of women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and postpartum and establishes other provisions or ""Law of Dignified, Respected and Humanized Childbirth"".

Tali Elbert, "Parir"

The purpose of this law is to recognize and guarantee the rights of women during pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum and gestational and perinatal mourning with freedom of decision, conscience and respect; as well as to recognize and guarantee the rights of newborns.

Complete Milestone



Thematic Report on Violence and Discrimination against Women and Girls: Best Practices and Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

In this report the IACHR states that although there is no legal definition of obstetric violence, the IACHR has considered that "obstetric violence encompasses all situations of disrespectful, abusive, negligent treatment, or denial of treatment, during pregnancy and the previous stage, and during childbirth or postpartum, in public or private health centers". The IACHR specifies that obstetric violence is defined as actions or omissions on the part of doctors and support personnel in public or private health services during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum; characterized by dehumanizing or discriminatory treatment that causes physical, psychological or moral harm to the woman.

Complete Milestone

Decree No. 339/019 on Humanized Childbirth

This decree regulates Article 6 of Law 19.580 on Gender-Based Violence against Women. It establishes that health service providers must adopt the necessary measures to ensure that women's care during the preconception consultation, pregnancy, birth and puerperium, as well as that of newborns, complies with the principles of the humanized-respectful care model. In particular, it determines that clinical practice should respect the right of every woman to be treated with respect, to be informed and to be accompanied by a trusted emotional support person throughout labor.

Complete Milestone



III Agreed Resolution of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD

III Meeting of the Regional Conference on Population and Development

In this document, the States of the region decide to reaffirm "the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development as the basis for a comprehensive and strategic roadmap for national and regional action on population and development, which provides specific orientations and guidelines for the region in this area beyond 2014".

Complete Milestone



Montevideo Strategy for Implementation of the Regional Gender Agenda within the Sustainable Development Framework by 2030

XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Montevideo Strategy comprises 74 measures for the ten axes for implementation that are agreed upon at the regional level by the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, and which are subsequently adapted to the priorities and needs of the countries and inserted into the sustainable development plans, although they are applicable at different levels (national, subnational, local, regional and international). In this strategic document, the States Parties agree to define that ""The Regional Gender Agenda identifies agreements for gender equality and women's autonomy in relation to multiple issues that can be grouped into critical dimensions linked to human rights, and which, therefore, recognize women as subjects of rights and the States as guarantors of these rights, while ratifying their universal, indivisible, inalienable and interdependent nature: ii) Sexual and reproductive rights in relation to: information and comprehensive sexual education; safe and quality abortion services, in cases where abortion is legal or decriminalized in national legislation; contraception; integrated social health services; maternal mortality; sexual orientation and gender identity; universal and accessible services; disability and old age; eradication of pregnancy in girls, prevention of pregnancy and teenage motherhood; sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS; health emergencies; healthy motherhood; technological development; different types of families.

Complete Milestone

Law No. 5.777: Law for the Integral Protection of Women against all forms of violence.

The purpose of this law is to establish policies and strategies for the prevention of violence against women, mechanisms for attention and measures for protection, punishment and comprehensive reparation. It defines violence against reproductive rights as the action that impedes, limits or violates the right of women to freely decide the number of children they wish to have; to receive information, guidance, comprehensive care and treatment during pregnancy or loss of pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and breastfeeding; to exercise safe motherhood; or to choose safe contraceptive methods. In addition, it defines obstetric violence as violence exercised by health personnel over women's bodies and the physiological or pathological processes present during pregnancy, and as dehumanizing treatment that violates women's human rights.

Complete Milestone

Official Mexican Standard NOM-007-SSA2-2016, for the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, as well as the care of newborns.

The purpose of this standard is to establish the minimum criteria for medical care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. It determines that care should be comprehensive and focused on considering human reproduction as an expression of reproductive rights, promoting co-responsibility in health care for the woman, her partner, the community and health personnel. Care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium and for newborns must be provided with quality and respect for their human rights, especially their dignity and cultural heritage, providing psychological support during their development. In addition, it establishes that no person providing gynecology and obstetrics services shall discriminate against or exercise any type of violence against women in labor.

Complete Milestone
Puerto Rico

Law No. 200/2016

Tali Elbert, "Parir"

Through this regulation, the Legislature amends Law No. 156 in order to clarify the scope of its provisions. In particular, it specifies the right of the woman in labor to be accompanied by a person of her choice and establishes greater safeguards to the right of the expectant mother to be informed prior to consenting any particular procedure.

Complete Milestone



Montevideo Consensus

Regional Conference on Population and Development of Latin America and the Caribbean

María Eugenia Cerutti

The Montevideo Consensus is a milestone in the sexual and reproductive rights agenda at the regional and global level because it establishes the first definition of sexual and reproductive rights agreed upon at the intergovernmental level, and indicates a concrete regional agenda, a true roadmap with clear lines of action in addition to 130 points that recognize the need to establish accountability and follow-up mechanisms, as well as definitions based on the international human rights obligations of States.

Complete Milestone

Santo Domingo Consensus

XII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

In this document there is a chapter that states that women's autonomy is an essential factor in guaranteeing the exercise of their human rights in a context of full equality and, in particular, that control over their bodies, their integral health and the right to a life free of violence (physical autonomy) is an essential factor in guaranteeing the exercise of their human rights in a context of full equality.

Complete Milestone

Law No. 82, which adopts measures for the prevention of violence against women and reforms the Penal Code to criminalize femicide and punish acts of violence against women.

Lucía Prieto / Vale Dranovsky

This law aims to guarantee women's right to a life free of violence. It establishes that women have the right to decide about their reproductive life in accordance with the law, as well as to decide the number of pregnancies and when to have them. It defines violence against reproductive freedom as that which violates the right of women to decide freely and responsibly the number of pregnancies or the interval between births. As for obstetric violence it defines it as that which is exercised by health personnel over the body and reproductive processes of women, whether expressed in abusive, dehumanizing, humiliating or rude treatment.

Complete Milestone



Alyne da Silva Pimentel v. Brazil

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

This was the first case on maternal mortality brought before the CEDAW Committee. The Committee approached the case with reference to Article 12 of the ICESCR and General Comment 14 on the right to health developed by the CESCR to capture the scope of the rights and obligations at stake. This case represented an important step towards greater coherence in international human rights law on women's economic, social and cultural rights. Also, the CEDAW Committee's inclusion of factors that affected Pimentel's access to health services, such as poverty and race, was important in further developing an inter-sectional concept of ESC rights. (ESCR NETWORK)

Complete Milestone

Law No. 4.313: Budget Assurance of the Reproductive Health and Delivery Kit Provisioning Programs of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare.

The purpose of this law is to ensure the minimum conditions for the exercise of all persons' right to decide the number and frequency of the birth of their children and to receive adequate services, as well as proper assistance to the woman and the newborn during childbirth. For this purpose, resources for the provision of contraceptives and delivery kits are assured and the right of every woman to receive these supplies free of charge, according to her voluntary and informed choice, is established.

Complete Milestone



Brasilia Consensus

XI Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The States of the region adopted action agreements for the promotion of women's autonomy and gender equality, which include a specific chapter on "Promoting women's comprehensive health and sexual and reproductive rights" (Chapter 6).

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General Recommendation No. 24

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

Luli Leiras

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women affirms that access to health care, including reproductive health care, is a basic right under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Complete Milestone